52 / 135
Bit 6
SDI Configuration Error
1: General configuration error of the SDI.
0: Configuration is ok.
Bit 7
Fieldbus Communication Configuration Er-
1: General configuration error of the FBS in-
0: Configuration is ok.
Bit 8
DPR Run State
1: DPR interface is in RUN mode
0: DPR interface is not in operation
Bit 9
DPR Configuration Error
1: General configuration error of the DPR in-
0: Configuration is ok
Bit 10
DPR Mapping Error
1: Configuration error in the mapping of the
DPR interface
0: Configuration is ok
Bit 11-13
Bit 14
Extended Mapping Error
1: Configuration error in the mapping
0: Configuration is ok
Bit 15
Script Run Status
1: Script was loaded successfully and is
running cyclically.
0: Script is stopped
Bit 16
Script Error State
1: An error has occurred during execution of
the script
0: Script runs without errors
The status value "0x0093" ("00000_00010010011b")
Bit 0: (1) The field bus is in cyclical data exchange
Bit 1: (1) The synchronous serial interface is in
SSC mode and is exchanging data cyclically
Bit 2: (0) SSC mapping ok.
Bit 3: (0) SDI mapping ok.
Bit 4: (1) Fieldbus mapping incorrect.
Bit 5: (0) SSC configuration ok.
Memory Register