Use at the field
Use at the field
Driving along at the machine prohibited
It is never allowed that people or objects drive along at the machine.
Driving along at the machine is perilous and prohibited.
No persons in the turning area
Take care of no people be in the turning and working area of the
machine. People can get grabbed by the machine within this area.
Serious or deadly injuries can occur.
No persons in the folding area
Take care of no people be in the folding area of the machine. People
can get crushed by the machine within this area. Serious or deadly
injuries can occur.
Take care of the field condition
Take care of the field condition especially during driving on slopes
when unloading a round bale. Unloading a round bale on a slope may
only take place in a 90° direction to the slope. Serious or deadly
injuries can occur.
Checks before use
Check that
the film is hold between the applicutter
the number of film wraps is set