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15.1 Maintenance
15.1.1 Fuel sensor
The surface on the infrared eye, must be cleaned now and then, if not, the sensor will start to send the
signal full even the auger is empty.
Adjustment: To be sure that the auger is not overfilled, the sensor has to be adjusted correct.
Correct adjustment is when the channel is half full as on the picture below.
The hydraulic stop, when both sensors in a set is activated.
Gren light = power ON
Yellow light = Fuel present
Adjusting screw
On the sensor you can find a little adjusting screw, if it is turned right the switch distance become longer,
and if it is turned left, the distance become shorter.
To make a correct adjusting of the sensor, always start with the left one, (master).
Turn the adjusting screw left to the end, on both sensors.
Fill up the auger channel with the wanted amount of fuel. (as on the picture above)
Turn the adjusting screw, on the left sensor, right until the yellow light, goes on
The green light on the slave sensor, goes on
Turn the adjusting screw, on the right sensor, right until the yellow light, goes on.
Do the step 1 to 5 on all the installed sensor.