- 35 - Cascade
Menu / Heating system / Cascade / Cascade (NA.)
The boiler that is wanted to be a part of the Cascade net, need to be added a function, to get the cascade
controll up running.
The 3 different state the boiler can get is listed below.
Cascade is not activ
The boiler work as Master
The boiler work as Slave
To start up the Cascade function, you have to set one off the boilers as Master and the rest have to be set
as Slave. As soon as it is running the system take care of the rest itself. Start slave power
Menu / Heating system / Cascade / Start slave power (90)
If the load on the boiler is above this limit, a ekstra boiler to be started. It is the master that giv this start
command to the next boiler. Stop slave power
Menu / Heating system / Cascade / Stop slave power (40)
If the load on the boilers in the chain is below this value, the last slave in the chain, will be stopped.
It is also the Master, that send the stop command. Delay m.
Menu / Heating system / Cascade / Delay m. (30)
Since we don’t want the Master to send start or stop command as soon as the load change, we have this
delay time.
So even if the load is higher or lower than the limit, the Master will wait, the time of delay have expired,
before the start or stop command will be send. Hours as Master
Menu / Heating system / Cascade / Timer som master (168)
To split the load and the role as Master, between the boilers, we can chose how long time a boiler shall be
master, before it giv the role as Master to the next boiler in the chain.
If the value is set to 0, the Master role will never go to a another boiler. Run mode
Menu / Heating system / Cascade / Run mode
Since the Cascade controller from KSM is the most flexible on the marked, it is needed to tell the boiler,
how we want it to communicate with the rest of the boiler in the installation.
For this function, we have to put in a “Run mode” code, explanation off the code are written below.
The code to put in, is the way this boiler shall work.
Code Description
KSM boiler with automatic ignition, that start and stop when it get the command from the master.
KSM boiler without ignition, that just switch to pause mode, when it get the stop command from
the master.