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7.6.3 Moving floor.
Menu / Accessories / Moving floor
On the XXL boiler, the moving floor are installed, below the fire grate, to clean out in that area. Moving floor before pause s.
Menu / Accessories / Moving floor / Moving floor before pause s. (20 sek.)
This function is not used on XXL boiler. Moving floor run time s.
Menu / Accessories / Moving floor / Moving floor run s. (5 sek.)
This time have to be 20 sek. and never changed. Pause at low output m.
Menu / Accessories / Moving floor / Pause at low output m.
When the boiler run at low output the moving floor has to go very rarely.
As basis it is set to 240 minutes., or 4 time the value used at high output. Pause at high output m.
Menu / Accessories / Moving floor / Pause at high output m.
When the boiler run at high output the moving floor has to go regularly.
As basis it is set to 60 minutes.
7.6.4 Firegrate 1 to 3
Menu / Accessories / Firegrate 1 to 3
The firegrates move the fuel forward in the burning chamber and also the ash to the ash auger.
Firegrate number 1 – 3 is only used on boilers type XXL, how many grates depend off the boiler size.
If the fire grates move to little, there is a risk that the fuel will accumulate in the back which can results
that the top stones can be pushed up and crack.
However, if they are running too much, the fuel is not burned properly before it goes into the ash auger. Firegrate X on s.
Menu / Accessories / Firegrate X / Firegrate X on s.
As the boiler is equipped with 2 to 3 firegrate, depending of the boiler size.
The running time for the firegrate, depend on the type of fuel that a being used.
The most common run time is 2 seconds.
How often the fire grates shall operate depends on the next two parameters. Pause at low output s.
Menu / Accessories / Fire grate X / Pause at low output s.
When the boiler run at the lowest output, the pause at the grate 1 can be 40 seconds. For grate 2 and 3, the
pause have to be longer. 50 and 60 sek.
The pause by low output is normal 4 times the pause by high output.