Pos: 55.5 /Überschriften/Überschriften 2/A-E/Abstand Abstreifleisten - Förderschnecke einstellen @ 13\mod_1225692537051_78.docx @ 156478 @ 2 @ 1
Adjusting the distance between the scraper bars and the auger conveyor
Pos: 55.6 /BA/Einstellungen/Vorsätze/Abstand Abstreifleisten - Förderschnecke einstellen Bild @ 329\mod_1427280767868_78.docx @ 2526490 @ @ 1
Fig. 23
Pos: 55.7 /BA/Einstellungen/Vorsätze/Abstand Abstreifleisten - Förderschnecke einstellen @ 329\mod_1427278288298_78.docx @ 2526229 @ @ 1
The hopper has two scraper bars (3), one on the right and one on the left of the transfer
opening. They remove the crop from the auger. To ensure the best result when removing the
crop, the scraper bars can be set via oblong holes.
Before setting the scraper bars:
Make sure that the auger or rocker arm (1) rests on the bump stop (2).
To set the lower scraper bar (3):
Unscrew screw connections (5) and set the distance from scraper bars (3) to auger spiral
(7) to dimension a=3-6 mm.
Tighten screw connections (5).
To set the upper scraper bar (4):
Unscrew screw connections (6) and set the distance from scraper bars (4) to auger spiral
(7) to dimension b=4-7 mm.
Tighten screw connections (6).
After setting the scraper bars:
Turn auger manually and check whether the auger can be rotated freely and does not
collide with the scraper bars.
Pos: 55.8 /BA/Einstellungen/Vorsätze/Die Abstreifleisten unterliegen einem natürlichen Beanspruchungsverschleiß X-Disc 620 @ 337\mod_1430289578489_78.docx @ 2560989 @ @ 1
The scraper bars (3, 4) are subject to natural wear. Therefore they must be checked once a
year at the latest before the beginning of the season and they must be replaced, if necessary.
Pos: 55.9 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1