Pos: 17.8.33 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Gefahrenbereich Gelenkwelle @ 176\mod_1372945619081_78.docx @ 1508114 @ @ 1
Danger zone universal shaft
People may become caught by the universal shaft, pulled in and seriously injured.
Ensure that the universal shaft guards are attached and functional.
Ensure that nobody is in the danger zone of the PTO shaft or the universal shaft.
Provide the section tube and universal shaft guards with adequate cover.
Allow the universal shaft locks to engage.
Attach the chains to prevent the universal shaft guards from rotating with the shaft.
Follow the operating instructions for the universal shaft.
Pos: 17.8.34 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Gefahrenbereich Nachlaufende Maschinenteile - X-Disc @ 329\mod_1426852529450_78.docx @ 2519758 @ @ 1
Danger zone due to machine parts continuing to run
After the drives have been switched off, the following machine parts will continue to run:
– Mower
Persons may be seriously injured or killed when machine parts continue to run.
Only touch machine parts when they are at standstill.
Pos: 17.8.35 /Überschriften/Überschriften 3/P-T/SSchutzvorrichtungen funktionsfähig halten @ 187\mod_1380021062004_78.docx @ 1607105 @ 3 @ 1
Keeping safety devices functional
Pos: 17.8.36 /BA/Sicherheit/1. Grundlegende Sicherheitshinweise/Schutzvorrichtungen funktionsfähig halten @ 176\mod_1373004721530_78.docx @ 1508355 @ @ 1
If safety devices are missing or damaged, people may be seriously injured or killed by moving
machine parts.
Replace damaged safety devices.
Re-install all removed safety devices and all other parts and move them into protective
position before starting up the machine.
If it is doubtful whether all safety devices have been correctly installed and are functional,
have a service centre check them.
Pos: 17.8.37 /Layout Module /---------------Seitenumbruch---------------- @ 0\mod_1196175311226_0.docx @ 4165 @ @ 1