44.. TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg
- For general issues, check out these tips...
• The power cord from your amplifier is plugged in.
• The connecting wires from your amplifier are connected to your speakers.
• All other powered components in your system are plugged in and
properly connected.
• Your main system gain control is turned up.
• Your signal source (for example, console, CD player, etc.) is
properly sending signal to your speakers.
- For specific problems, please read the following situations;
IIff yyoouu ccaannnnoott hheeaarr aannyy ssoouunndd......
Check the previous tips before continuing to the next steps. Then;
• Check to see if all other audio devices using the same AC outlet are still
Make sure that:
• The audio source cable is plugged into both the source output and the
amplifier input.
• The gain on the amplifier is turned up.
• The signal source (for example, mixing console, workstation, CD player, etc.)
is turned up to a level that can properly send a signal to the amplifier.