Types of Operational Warnings
This device aids in navigation. For decision making in sound navigation,
please be sure to use other widely used resources in addition to this device:
land maps, sea maps, GPS devices, landmarks, water depth, obstacles, and
other devices.
This devices uses voltage levels which are potentially life threatening. Even if
the power is shut-off, live electricity may remain within the circuits. Warning
labels and protective covers have been added to prevent carelessly touching
high-voltage circuits. For the sake of safety, switch off the power before
performing any inspection of the inside of this device. Then, please proceed
to properly discharge any remaining voltage from the condenser. Proper
inspection must be carried out by a qualified technician.
This GPS (Global Positioning System) functions using 28 satellites. Should
there be no obstacles, and should the sky be clear, the user should be able to
find his position anywhere in the world. However, this group of satellites are
operated and managed by the US Pentagon, and we have no control over the
quality of reception or the policy of the US government. Without prior notice,
the accuracy of position, bearings, speed measurements may deteriorate, or,
adjustments, testing, and course corrections, etc. may be necessary.
Signals from the satellites may be disrupted at certain times.