DAD 6.1L/DAD 2.1L/MWD 2.1L user manual V6700, version 3.2
Optimizing the Detector
The integration time is automatically calculated by the software before the
start of a measurement. The calculations are in relation to the special range
(see “Spectral Range” on page 31).
When a narrower spectral range is selected, the signal intensity will be
increased. This increase is limited, however, by the data rate.
Subtraction of the Baseline Chromatogram
The baseline subtraction can eliminate the effects of drift that result from
solvent, gradient, or flow programming. The baseline profile is subtracted
from the measured chromatogram. This results in a mathematically repro-
cessed chromatogram with an ideally flat baseline.
Extended Linear Range
Upon activating the extended linear range option it is possible to broaden
the linear range of the AZURA detector, through internal stray light correc-
tion. This option can be activated in your software under Advanced Set-
The Extended Linear Range option is available for devices with firmware ver-
sions 01.23 (DAD 6.1L) and 01.10 (DAD 2.1L, MWD 2.1L) or higher.
The performance of the detector is largely dependent on the perfor-
mance of the HPLC system.
Noise can be related to pump stability, the flow cell cleanliness, lamp
quality, mobile phase composition and other factors.
Drift is usually related to long-term changes in the environment, such as
detector warm-up or fluctuations in temperature and mobile phase com-
Fig. 29
Range without (left) and with (right) Extended Linear Range