Method of boiler cleaning & Maintenance – Error code
Page 41
○ Breakdown : Low water level, overheat error
1) Symptom : If water temp. sensor detects 90℃ or more / If overheat sensor
detects 91℃ or more.
2) Return : If water temp. sensor detects 85℃ or less / If overheat sensor detects
86℃ or less, return manually.
Trouble type
1. Insufficient water
① Check if make-up water line is locked.
② Check if water is leaked on the heat exchanger or piping.
③ Replace the low water level sensor.
1. Circulation pump
doesn’t operate.
① Check if plumbing of the circulation pump is short circuited.
If measured resistance is '0', it is normal. If it is infinite, the coil
is short circuited. For latter case, replace the circulation pump.
2. Heating valve is
locked to raise
temperature abruptly.
① Check if the distributor valve is locked. If it is locked, open the
3. Control is in trouble.
① If the supply motor keeps operating though fuel supply is in
Stop condition, replace the control.
○ Breakdown : Backfire overheat (bimetal) sensor operation of the burner
Trouble type
1. Door open sensor
is down.
① Check if the burner door is opened.
② Check if the door open sensor and wiring are damaged.
③ Replace the sensor if operating even though the wiring
is "earthed".
1. Chimney is clogged.
① Separate flue cavity.
② Check if there is clogged area and remove ash.
2. Head wind blows as "T-type
funnel" is not installed on fuel.
① Install "T-type funnel" for preventing head wind on the
3. Flue tube is clogged.
① Stop operating the boiler.
② Separate the clean door out.
③ Clean up with cleaning brush after removing buffle.