Room Controller(CTR-5700PLUS) – Description
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○ To use the bath function
1) To use plentiful hot water, select bath by
using the bath button.
2) After 2 1/2 hours of selecting the bath
function, it returns to the previous function.
3) If the water pressure is above
78~147Kpa(0.8~1.5kgf/㎠), install
a pressure reducing valve.
☞ What is temperature setting function?
1) It sets the output water temperature
in the Room, Reservation and Outing
functions, and the desired temperature
in the bath function is the set temperature.
☞ Setting the hot water temperature
1) Select the Bath function by using the bath function button.
2) Select temperature by pressing the up(▲) / down(▼) button.
3) In the temperature setting function, the range of temperature is 35~60℃.
☞ Cautions while using the Bath function.
1) Please be careful not to be burned by hot water.
2) Please be careful when you open the water tap asfter setting the bath function,
because hot water may come out suddenly.
3) Please especially be careful the sick and the aged and the children are not burned
by hot water.
4) The water from boiler can not be consumed.
5) During heating(indoor operation), after hot water is used for a long time, lukewarm
water may come out.
6) During bath function, if the power is turned off and on, it will return to the pre-
Bath function.