User’s Manual
Basic Functions | Tracking Function
TRACKING 1 (absolute value change)
The outputs of target channels change to the same values (absolute values) along with the changes in the
reference channel. When TRACKING 1 is enabled, the voltage and current set at that moment become
the reference values, and changes are made from there.
If the output of a target channel reaches its maximum output setting or 0 V (or 0 A) when the voltage or
current of the reference channel is changed, the display no longer changes but the amount of change in
the target channel is recorded. When the output of the reference channel is returned to its original output
value, the outputs of channels operating in tracking mode will also return to their original values. (See
example 1.)
It is possible to change the reference channel during tracking operation. The state when the change is
made becomes the reference, and the outputs change accordingly. (See example 2.)
It is possible to change the reference value of the reference channel during tracking operation. You can do
this by selecting the reference channel with the SELECT key and changing the value.
Here we will use TRACKING 1 on CH1 and CH2 of a PMX32-2QU.
Example 1: Settings: CH1 = 25.00 V, CH2 = 30.00 V. The reference channel is set to CH1.
Example 2: Settings: CH1 = 25.00 V, CH2 = 30.00 V. The reference channel is set to CH1 and changed to
CH2 in the middle.
25.00 V
30.00 V
Reference voltage
► Increase CH1 by 4 V.
29.00 V
32.00 V
CH2 stops at its maximum output, but the amount of change
(30 V + 4 V = 34 V) is recorded.
► Decrease CH1 by 1 V.
28.00 V
32.00 V
CH2 stays at 32 V because 34 V - 1 V = 33 V.
► Decrease CH1 by 2 V.
26.00 V
31.00 V
CH2 becomes 33 V - 2 V = 31 V.
► Decrease CH1 by 1 V.
25.00 V
30.00 V
The output returns to its original reference voltage.
25.00 V
30.00 V
Reference voltage
► Increase CH1 by 4 V.
29.00 V
32.00 V
CH2 stops at its maximum output, but the amount of change
(30 V + 4 V = 34 V) is recorded.
► Press SELECT to select CH2 to change the reference chan-
nel to CH2.
29.00 V
32.00 V
The reference voltage changes to 32.00 V, and the amount of
change is cleared.
► Decrease CH2 by 1 V.
28.00 V
31.00 V
CH2 becomes 32.00 V - 1 V = 31.00 V.
► Decrease CH2 by 1 V.
27.00 V
30.00 V
CH2 returns to its original reference voltage, but CH1 becomes
27.00 V and does not return to the original reference value.