Keysight 41800A Active Probe
General Information
The specifications for the 41800A Active Probe are listed below. The
specifications are performance standards or limits. The 41800A meets all of the
specifications listed below when it is shipped from the factory.
• Specifications describe the instrument's warranted performance over the
temperature range of 23 ± 5° C (except where noted).
• The following performance is specified when the probe is terminated with a
11880A Type N Adapter.
Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide information useful in
applying the instrument by giving non-warranted performance parameters.
These are denoted as “typical”, “nominal”, or “approximate”.
Band wid th:
5 Hz to 500 MHz
Probe Gain
Probe Alone:
0 dB ±0.5 dB at 50 MHz
With 10: 1 Divider (Typical):
–20 dB ± 1 dB at 50 MHz
With 100:1 Divider (Typical):
–40 dB ±1.5 dB at 50 MHz
Input R, C (Typical)
Probe Alone:
100 k
, 3 pF
With 10: 1 Divider:
1 M
, 1.5 pF
With 100: 1 Divider:
1 M
, 1 pF
Frequency Response Relative to 50 MHz
Probe Alone:
+1/–2 dB at
50 Hz
±1 dB at 50 Hz to 200 MHz
+1.5/–2 dB at
200 MHz
With 10:1 Divider (Typical):
+1.5/–2.5 dB at
50 Hz
±1.5 dB at 50 Hz to 200 MHz
+2/–2.5 dB at
200 MHz
With 100:1 Divider (Typical):
+2/–3 dB at
50 Hz
±2 dB at 50 Hz to 200 MHz
+2.5/–3 dB at
200 MHz