1.5 Domestic water desired temperature
– parameter that specifies temperature
of water in domestic water tank that will be obtained by the controller.
1.6 Domestic water heating priority
– this parameter specifies operation of central
heating and domestic water pumps during hot water preheating. When priority is
selected during operation and hot water preheating, the controller engages domestic
water pump and switches off central heating pump. This operation results in quick
heating of water in the tank. During preparation of hot water without priority option,
central heating and domestic water pumps operation follow at the same timee.
1.7 Bacterial flora liquidation in domestic water tank
– the controller enables
manual activation of program for bacterial flora liquidation in domestic water tank.
When „YES” is selected, it activates the process of heating the domestic water tank
above 75°C. When the required temperature is obtained the controller switches off
the bacterial flora liquidation program automatically.
Bacterial flora liquidation option shall be switched on in the night or if
water intake does not follow from the domestic water tank, to protect the user
against burning.
1.8 Domestic water measured temperature –
the controller enables to view the
temperature measured in domestic water tank.
In case the heating system is not fitted with the DHW circuit, it is not pos-
sible to view or change the above parameters.
1.9 Return water temperature –
if the heating circuit is equipped with the mixing
pump and return temperature sensor, this option enables view of the return water
temperature. Otherwise, this option in unavailable.