42 Main Filter Quantity:
Default value = 16 Permitted values: 4/8/16/32/64
This parameter determines how many of the most recent data values are maximally
included in the computation of the filter value in the case of a neutral position. The
higher the figure, the steadier is the filter value and the more robust it will also be
against single freak values. Values below the default value are mainly required for
apportioning applications or, if the small weight changes to be registered are very
minor. There are only very few occasions when values below 4 would be meaningful.
43 Slow action factor:
Default value = 40 Possible value: 1-999
Important parameter for balance equilibrium:
This parameter determines the tolerance limit within which the filtered non-linearized
curve must remain, in order to ensure a continuing neutral position for the balance.
The stated value gives the percentage of the lower as well as the upper threshold
factor. The higher this value, the greater is the filter's tolerance towards short
disturbances as well as slow weight changes.
Settings – rules of thumb:
As low as possible, as high as necessary. Values exceeding the default value are
usually only required in cases where a strong interfering signal occurs. If slow weight
changes are to be recognized, select small values.
13 Calibration (CAL)
13.1 General
When we weigh a material mass, we are attempting to determine its weight in a
weight unit. As the “g” acceleration of the fall and other factors vary from location to
location, the balance must be calibrated following every change in location, as
otherwise a 30 kg material mass would be displayed as such at one location and as
30.08 kg at another. This would be wrong, but can be prevented by placing a
correct material mass on the scale (let’s say 30 kg) and then informing the balance
that this is actually the amount that corresponds to 30 kg at that location and that
30 kg should thus be displayed – this is known as calibration.
A balance must be calibrated when first installed (if the balance has not already
been calibrated for the location), if it has been moved over a significant distance or
if required by the local regulations. This is necessary, because the weight of a
material mass at one location does not necessarily correspond to the value at
another location.
Please see chapter 5 “Calibration Information“.