Technical Reference Manual – SB-293
01838-002 Rev. 3.0
Printing Date
Page 18 of 32
TB-8 – Door Status Switch Connection
The Door Status switch indicates the state of the door (open or closed). If a door status switch is not
being used, install a jumper between pins 1 and 2 of TB-8. The normal state of this input is a closed
circuit that will be opened when an input is generated. No voltage is applied at this input; the circuit is
opened and closed corresponding with the door status. Please refer to the Door Status Switch Input
section on page 12 for more information on Door Status Switch inputs and input devices.
NOTE: The SB-293 Satellite Board must have been configured for two door operation for the door
status switch input connections to be valid. If the SB-293 board has been configured for general-
purpose inputs and outputs, refer to the Additional Inputs/Outputs Configuration section on page 24.
Refer to Table 4 and Figure 9 and make the following connections to attach a door status input.
TB-8 – Pin . . .
Pin 1
door status switch input – GPI 1
Pin 2
Table 4 – Door Status Switch Input Connections
Figure 9 – Door Status Switch Input Connections
NOTE: If a ground lead from the RTE input has already been installed on TB-8, pin 2, loosen the
terminal connector and insert the door status switch ground lead beside the RTE input ground lead.
TB-8 – Request to Exit Connection
Request to Exit (RTE – also known as REX) devices typically unlocks the door to allow egress from
the building. The SB-293 Satellite Board may accept input from devices such as switches, motion
sensors, or floor mats. The normal state of this input is an open circuit that will be closed when an
input is generated. No voltage is applied at this input; the circuit is completed to indicate an RTE
event. Please refer to the Request to Exit Input section on page 12 for more information on RTE
inputs and input devices.
NOTE: The SB-293 Satellite Board must have been configured for two door operation for the RTE
input connections to be valid. If the SB-293 board has been configured for general purpose inputs
and outputs refer to the Additional Inputs/Outputs Configuration section on page 24.
Refer to Table 5 and Figure 10 on page 19 and make the following connections to attach an RTE
TB-8 – Pin . . .
Pin 2
Pin 3
RTE signal – GPI 2
Table 5 – Request to Exit Input Connections
Ground/Common to TB-8, Pin 2
Signal to TB-8, Pin 1
Normally Closed
Input Device