CNA-Series Tankless Heater
Keltech •
215-1814 Rev. C; ECN 150010
Start Up
Slowly turn on water supply to the unit
with the enclosure door open and the
breaker in the off position .
Turn off the connected process and
check the entire system to verify leak-free
installation .
Close enclosure door and secure .
Depress the Emergency Stop Button .
Energize the electrical service to the unit
by switching on the breaker .
Pull out Emergency Stop Button . Unit is
now in the ready state .
Slowly turn on the water outlet valve,
activate the connected process requiring
heated water (faucet, shower, etc .), then
flush the system for 5 minutes to ensure all
air is purged from the system .
NOTICE! Failure to bleed air properly
will damage elements and
cause heater malfunction.
Be sure that plumbing and electrical are complete per Start Up Check List.
NOTICE! If your heater is mounted in an area
where freezing temperatures are possible,
an ENHT Freeze Protection Option is
strongly recommended and the heater
must be powered at all times to be
Freeze Protected. If continuous power is
not possible, do not allow the heater to
remain full of water. Freezing of the heater
can cause serious damage.
WARNING Make sure the breaker for the heater is OFF.
When startup is complete, leave circuit
breaker in the ON position and the
Emergency Stop Button on the door
pulled out . The Green power light should
be illuminated .
Turn on the connected process; observe
output temperature rise to setpoint .
Top portion of temperature controller
displays output temperature, bottom
displays setpoint temperature.
If your heater has the EXP2CFPM
option and is located in a Class I
Division 2 area, please review Special
Installation & Operation Instructions
section for all proper electrical
connections and sealing to ensure
the installation will provide proper
Proceed to Step F once you
have completed the steps in the Special
Installation & Operation Instructions or if
you do not have this option .