K-O2 Oxygen Sensor
Kele, Inc. • 3300 Brother Blvd. • Memphis, TN 38133
Page 9
5.1 C
Pure nitrogen zero gas and a precise mixture of 20.9% oxygen, balance nitrogen (see Table 11) are required to fully
calibrate the oxygen sensor for maximum accuracy.
A calibration kit that includes all the required accessories (but not the gas itself) in a convenient carrying case is
available from Kele.com as part number UCK-1. The calibration gases are ordered separately using the part
numbers shown in Table 11.
All K-O2 sensors include an orificed oxygen sensor calibration-cap stored in the lower left corner of the enclosure
as shown in
Figure 10
. Calibration gas is supplied through the tube-barb flow restrictor fitted to the narrow end of
the cal cap at a pressure of 10 psi.
5.2 C
A schematic of the calibration gas tubing connection between the regulator
and the calibration cap is shown in Figure 9. After connecting the
calibration gas supply hose to the calibration cap, slip the open end of the
cap over the hexagonal white gas port on the oxygen sensor. Verify that
the cap completely covers the gas port; there should be no white showing
at the bottom of the cap.
When ready to start the calibration, adjust the calibration gas regulator so
that the pressure gauge reads 10 psi.
Figure 9
: Schematic of Calibration Gas Connection to
oxygen sensor calibration adapter.
Mixture (by volume)
Kele Part No.
Zero gas
Pure nitrogen
Span gas
20.9% oxygen
balance nitrogen
Table 11:
Required Calibration Gases
Figure 10
: Oxygen sensor calibration cap,
stored in the lower right of the enclosure