Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft NT Server
If the plain mail check mode is enabled, Kaspersky Anti-Virus checks
every file for a message header. If a message header is detected, the
program searches for attached data (UUEncode, XXEncode and etc.)
and checks it for viruses.
The mail database and plain mail modes noticeably slow down the Kaspersky AV
Scanner scanning rate. For that reason we do not recommend their use in
regular virus checks.
Kaspersky AV Scanner is not able to delete viruses from mail
databases and plain mail files, it is able only to detect them. However, if
you check the
Scan MS Outlook Express databases
box, the
program will be enabled to detect and delete viruses from MS Outlook
Express (5.0 and later) databases.
Scanning embedded objects
The program allows you to check for viruses not only in files, but also in the
objects embedded in these files using the OLE technology. Check the
Embedded objects
box to search for viruses in OLE objects embedded in the
examined files.
Heuristic detecting module
You can enable the built-in heuristic detection module to scan for viruses that are
unknown to the program (not described in current anti-virus databases). Check
Enable Code Analyzer
box to scan for viruses using the heuristic
detecting module.
General settings:
frame (Figure 7) contains options allowing you to choose how the
scanner should report performance statistics and rename the infected files it
detected. Here you can also set the scanning priority.