Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft NT Server
The License Agreement (LA) is a legal agreement between you and the
manufacturer (Kaspersky Labs Ltd.) describing the terms on which you may
employ the anti-virus product which you have purchased.
Make sure you read the License Agreement!
If you do not agree to the terms of this LA, you can return the unused product to
your Kaspersky Anti-Virus dealer for a full refund, making sure the envelope with
the CD is sealed.
If you unsealed the envelope or installed the program, you have agreed to all the
terms of the LA.
Help Desk for Registered Users
Kaspersky Labs offers a large service package enabling its legal customers to
enjoy all available features of Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
If you register and purchase a subscription you will be provided with the following
services for the period of your subscription:
new versions of this anti-virus software product provided free of charge;
phone or e-mail advising on matters related to the installation,
configuration, and operation of this anti-virus product;
information about new Kaspersky Labs products and about new computer
viruses (for those who subscribe to the Kaspersky Labs newsletter).
Kaspersky Labs does not provide information related to operation and
use of your operating system or various other technologies.