Architecture of Kaspersky Anti-Spam and principles of spam filtering
2.5. Filtration policies
Kaspersky Anti-Spam employs filtration policies to determine the methods
applicable for spam recognition, the actions to be performed over messages and
the black and white lists of senders.
The product uses a double-layered system of filtration policies, which consists of
a default general filtration policy and group filtration policies. The default filtration
policy contains settings common for all groups: methods applicable for spam
recognition, and the black and white lists of senders. Group policies, in addition
to the mentioned settings, also define the actions performed over messages
depending upon their status.
Before configuring group policies, the administrator must create groups
described by the lists of addresses of message recipients.
The product applies its policies in accordance with the following rule: general
filtration policy defines the default settings for all groups while group settings may
either inherit those values or redefine them. Thus, for instance, the product may
employ more sophisticated methods of spam recognition and stricter actions can
be specified for a group of users that requires more thorough filtration of
The combination of recognition settings is closely connected with the properties
of the content filtration databases; it can be extended and modified as new types
of spam and rules of their recognition appear. Together with the updates to the
content filtration databases, the appropriate settings will be added to the
interface provided by the Kaspersky Anti-Spam Control Center.
2.6. Control Center
Control Center
is a web-based application, which allows the administrator to
configure Kaspersky Anti-Spam and control its activity.
Control Center allows performance of the following tasks:
Monitoring of the current status of the product and its individual
Installation of license keys and management of the protected domains list.
Output and export of statistics on processed messages.
Managing the default and group policies of spam filtering.
Configuring the filtration server and other product components.