Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.0
Let us examine closely each of these tasks:
In order to open the group properties' editor,
Click the
button to the right of the title indicating the group, which
you wish to modify.
Figure 13. The list of groups used by Kaspersky Anti-Spam
The group properties' editor allows you to configure:
General group parameters, such as group name, comments and a list of
mail addresses for which group rules will apply.
Rules of spam recognition.
Actions over mail messages.
Black and white lists of senders.
The title and the list of mail addresses of the
group cannot be edited since
this group defines the rules used to process messages whose senders and
recipients are not included into any of the groups created by the administrator.
In order to create a new group, perform the following actions:
1. Click
the button about the group list.
2. Use the window that opens next (see Fig. 14) to specify the group
name, enter comments (if necessary) and a list of e-mail