This section contains descriptions of the main product components and the
principles of filtering as well as the Control Center, the main tool for Kaspersky
Anti-Spam administration and configuration.
2.1. Product structure
Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.0 is a spam recognition and filtering system functioning
as an integral part of an appropriate mail server. Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.0 is not
a full-featured mail server able to receive mail, relay it or deliver e-mail to the
mailboxes of end recipients. The architecture of Kaspersky Anti-Spam is shown
in Fig. 1.
Kaspersky Anti-Spam consists of the following components:
Client plug-in modules
intended for product integration with mail server.
Anti-Spam Engine
– the filtration server component that analyzes e-mail
messages rating and processing them. Filtration server includes a
number of auxiliary modules, which provide for its functioning and
integration with mail servers:
Filtration module – the module filtering spam.
Licensing module – the module that manages product licenses
and the list of protected domains.
Content filtration databases – a corpus of data that the filtration
server uses to rate messages; updates to the content filtration
databases are published on the servers of Kaspersky Lab every
20 minutes.
Updater module for the content filtration databases – a system
that provides for automatic downloading of new content filtration
databases from updating servers and their installation for further
use by the anti-spam engine.