SkinGuard® Series
Owner’s Manual
PN 400901 Rev. C
ECO 18-0281
Page 23
The pressures shown above are for a mattress at the firmest Control Unit setting. Softer settings will
result in correspondingly lower Heel Zone pressures.
Mattress has ability to expand in width from 36” (42”, 48”, and transport mode) and/or in length (80”, 84” and 88”)
by using the mattress expansion regulator valves.
The Expandable Mattress System (XMS) has two (2) expansion valves; one located in the right and the other in
the left side, foot end of the mattress
. The width expansion regulator valve is located at the patient’s right, foot
end of the mattress and the length expansion regulator valve is located at the patient’s left, foot end of the
mattress. These valves allow the mattress to expand in width and length based on selected setting. If the
Expandable Mattress System is an Expandable Length System, only the length expansion valve can be found on
the mattress.
To deflate the Expandable Mattress System (XMS) or Expandable Length Mattress System (EL), set the valve
selector to position #4 on both expansion regulator valves and pull the hose (V) from the control unit flange
When expanding or contracting the Expandable Mattress (XMS) and Expandable Length Mattress System (EL),
make sure to tighten or loosen the straps accordingly to the mattress width.