Art.-No.: 2095 LUX
4.2.5 Parameters
Operating mode
Constant light regulation
Brightness on-off control
Only automatic switch-on
Only automatic switch-off
This parameter is used to set whether
constant light regulation for dimmable
luminaires, or brightness on-off control,
or only automatic switch-on or switch-off
for switchable luminaires is desired.
Number of slaves
This parameter is only visible if the
parameter "Operating mode" is set to
"Constant light regulation". This
parameter is used to set the number of
desired slave luminaire groups whose
dimming value can be shifted by a
positive or negative value relative to the
master dimming value. In accordance
with the number of slave selected, the
corresponding number of
communication objects "Slave x,
dimming value" and parameters "Offset
Slave x from master dimming value in
percent ( -100...100)" are added to the
"Constant light regulation" parameter
The slave mode makes it possible
to adjust various luminaires to the
same dimming value or to various
dimming values via a single
brightness sensor. Here it is not
ensured that exactly the same
brightness level will be achieved
under a slave luminaire as under
the master luminaire, because the
brightness is only measured and
controlled at the latter.
Transmit brightness
measured value
This parameter determines whether and
when the brightness measured value is
transmitted to the bus.
only via read request
The brightness measured value is not
transmitted to the bus independently,
but can be read.
The brightness measured value is
transmitted automatically to the bus after
the parameterised cycle time.
When the brightness value
is changed
The brightness measured value is
transmitted after it changes by the
parameterised value.
When the brightness value
is changed & cyclically
The brightness measured value is
transmitted to the bus after it changes
by the parameterised value and
additionally after the set cycle time
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Software "Brightness controller A01001"