Installation and operating instructions: JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter JRSF-ATP DN 125 - 200 (time and differential pressure controlled)
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JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
© JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Postfach 380
D-71351 Winnenden
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Revision level: 24.05.2017
E-mail: [email protected]
The JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter removes all coarse and fine solid impurities, that
are bigger than the mesh size of the permanent filter inserts used and which as aeration cells cause pitting
corrosion and consequently can result in malfunctions of valves, control and regulating devices as well as
sensitive devices.
The two alternatively switching filter chambers enable back washing with filtered water without interruption of
operation. Hence this backwashing system enables cleaning of the permanent filter inserts, without unfiltered
water simultaneously being able to reach the pure water side and consequently the downstream building
The warranty is valid in accordance with our general terms of sale and delivery only if
The JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter is used solely for its intended use and its
system components are not opened, tampered with or incorrectly treated in any other way,
Safety guards are used and these are not manipulated or removed,
The operating conditions correspond to the technical specifications,
Inspection and maintenance are performed according to EN 806-5 2012 and EN 13443-1, as well as
for special mesh widths < 80 µm according to EN 13443-2,
Repairs are only performed with original spare parts by JUDO customer service or authorised
technical personnel.
All work must only be performed by qualified and authorised technical personnel.
Type label
The type label is located on the housing of the linear drive.
So that we can more quickly process questions or orders, please specify the type label data.
Intended use
The JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter is used to protect pipe systems and downstream
devices according to DIN 1988 in rooms not at risk of explosion with non-condensing and non-aggressive
atmospheres within the context of the usage options named in these installation and operating instructions.
Intended use also includes the reading of these installation and operating instructions, adherence to all the
safety conditions and instructions contained within them and the performance of inspection and maintenance
work at the prescribed time intervals.