Installation and operating instructions: JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter JRSF-ATP DN 125 - 200 (time and differential pressure controlled)
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JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
© JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
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D-71351 Winnenden
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Revision level: 24.05.2017
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Function description
Backwashing is implemented automatically (time-controlled or controlled by differential pressure with time
priority) by the control unit of the JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter. In this respect the filter
flap is controlled in operating and back-washing position via the linear drive based on the pulses of the Hall
effect sensor, which are balanced in the factory dependent on the filter. Backwashing water is discharged
into the drain via the shut-off valve.
Operation: The raw water to be filtered flows through both filter chambers, whereby all impurities that are
bigger than the mesh size of the JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter used, are retained on
the permanent filter inserts. When doing so the shut-off valve is closed.
Backwashing: If the filter flap is commanded so that it is in the backwashing position for filter chamber 1 and
the pneumatic drive of the shut-off valve opened using control medium via the solenoid valve, the impurities
deposited on the permanent filter insert of the 1st filter chamber are flushed out via the shut-off valve. At the
same time, the 2nd filter chamber remains operating so that filtered water can continue to be drawn.
If the filter flap is next commanded so that it is in the backwashing position for filter chamber 2, the impurities
deposited on the permanent filter insert of the 2nd filter chamber are flushed out via the shut-off valve. At the
same time filtered water can still be drawn via the 1st filter chamber. After backwashing is completed, the
filter flap is controlled so that it returns to the operating position and the shut-off valve closed.
To obtain an effective backwashing outcome, a flow pressure downstream of the JUDO
JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter of at least 1.5 bar is required, which if
necessary can be achieved by a site-provided pump upstream of the JUDO JRSF
automatic backwashing protection filter for adjustment of the filter output or by a site -
provided shut-off valve for regulation of the filter outlet!
The backwashing water flow must be adjusted via the stroke limiter of the pneumatic
drive to approximately 30% of the rated flow (see Chapter 3.5)!
If these values are undershot, for example if there is a free outlet downstream of the
JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter or if open circuits exist (cooling
circuit), then adequate backwashing results are no longer guaranteed!
Dependent on the degree of soiling of the permanent filter inserts, multiple backwashing
processes may be necessary!
If the upstream pressure falls significantly below 1.5 bar, then backflow preventers must
be used to ensure that the still transporting supply pipes cannot become empty!