Throttle Curve
The PCM9X provides a two (2) programmable throttle curves for aircraft. Typical
uses for the throttle curves include: adjusting the curve to achieve a more linear
throttle response; de-sensitising a particular part of the throttle stroke to maintain a
more consistent throttle setting that’s typical for rolling circles or torque rolls; or
for giving reduced throttle range (high an low, which is useful for stall turns, etc.) in
any selected flight mode or switch position. By setting the THRO STK point you
can automatically change between curves at a set point.
To adjust points use the scroll bar to select a point and press it to activate the
editing facility. Roll the bar left or right to decrease or increase the value. Press the
bar again to set the value.
Exponential Throttle Curve Function
With the PCM9X system, individual throttle curves are selectable to be either
straight (linear) or curved (exponential). To select an exponential curve, use the
scroll bar to select and activate the exponential feature (an “on” will replace the
“off” on the screen). With the exponential function ON, you will notice that any
“sharp” angles of the throttle curve will become more “rounded” or “smooth,”
creating a more equal throttle servo movement during the entire throttle curve
Snap Roll
The snap roll feature allows the pilot to program in a set deflection for the control
surfaces that are activated using the snap roll (TRN) switch. Different directions of
snap roll can be assigned to each flight mode, if enabled (see Device Select).