Servo Monitor
The PCM9X provides a servo monitor function screen that allows you to see the
actual real time travel of all 9 channels. This is a useful function to observe the
effects of mixing on your channels. All trim and mixing adjustments are shown.
Throttle Cut & Trim Select
The PCM9X features an intelligent throttle trim as well as a throttle cut function.
Only one or the other can be activated at a time. The throttle cut function turns the
trainer switch into an engine kill switch.
Use the software to determine a point at which the engine will stop. When the
switch is activated while at a low throttle setting the throttle servo will close to that
point for as long as the switch is being held.
The trim select allows the throttle trim to remember a predetermined position.
When a good idle point is found with the trim, enter the software and activate the
trim memory. This allows the stopping of the engine with the throttle trim, but one
click forwards on the trim will return the digital trim to the predetermined idle