*Overload has reacted-
Wait 5 minutes, push overload
button and start again.
Machine vibrates excessively
Stand on uneven floor-
adjust stand for even support.
*knives of different seize-
all knives must have same width.
*damaged knife-
replace knives set immediately
Cutting surfaces is bad
*dull knives-
sharpen knives
*Cutter knives blocked by chips-
remove chips.
*Too heavy a cut-
make several passes.
*knives cutting against grain-
plane workpiece in opposite
*workpiece inhomogeneous
*Moisture content too high
*Inadequate support of long boards-
use extension roller.
*dull knives-
sharpen knives.
Unparallel side to side
knife projection not uniform-
adjust knives with setting gauge.
Workpiece jams
Too much material removed in one
make several passes.
Cutterhead difficult to adjust
*Lack of lubrication-
lubricate corner posts and screws.
Poor workpiece feeding
*motor belt slipping-
tighten or replace belt.
*Resin build up on planer bed-
clean and wax planer bed.
*surface of feed rollers too smooth-
lightly roughen with sandpaper.
10. Environmental protection
Protect the environment.
Your appliance contains valuable
materials which can be recovered or
recycled. Please leave it at a
specialized institution.
11. Available accessories
Stock number 10000841
Set of 2 high speed steel (HSS)
reversible knives
Stock number 10000842
Open machine stand
Stock number 709207
Foldable roller stand