Subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A.
© 2018 by Johnson Controls, Inc. All rights reserved.
Supersedes: 5292230-USG-A-1016
York International Corporation
5005 York Drive
Norman, OK 73069
Air Temperature Sensor Failure (California Title
24-type Alarm)
[Fault Detect En] is set to “Enable”; one-time
OAT and/or SAT sensor input presence has
been detected; input to the OAT and/or SAT
terminal is currently 0.05 volts DC or less (C
to OAT is 11,932,327
or more) / 3.62 volts
DC or more (C to OAT is 207
or less) and
has been sustained for a period of 10 minutes
or more
Free cooling functions are not permitted due
to the “Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor Fail-
ure” and/or “Supply Air Temperature Sensor
Failure” Alarm; [Outdoor Temp] and/or [Sup-
ply Temp] indicates “Out of range high”
Econ Economizing When It Should Not (Cali-
fornia Title 24-type Alarm)
Possibly caused by configuration error: [Feed-
back Min Value] is not properly set for “2 V”
[Fault Detect En] is set to “Enable”; [Damper
Feedback] is currently greater than the
[Damper Command] by 8% or more and has
been sustained for a period of 10 minutes or
All functions remain active/available
Econ Not Economizing When It Should (Cali-
fornia Title 24-type Alarm)
Possibly caused by configuration error: [Feed-
back Min Value] is not properly set for “2 V”
[Fault Detect En] is set to “Enable”; [Damper
Feedback] is currently less than the [Damper
Command] by 8% or more and has been sus-
tained for a period of 10 minutes or more
All functions remain active/available
Economizer Damper Not Modulating (Califor-
nia Title 24-type Alarm)
Possibly caused by configuration error: [Feed-
back Min Value] is not properly set for “2 V”
[Fault Detect En] is set to “Enable”; [Damper
Feedback] is currently greater or less than
the [Damper Command] by 8% or more and
has been sustained for a period of 10 minutes
or more
All functions remain active/available
Economizer Letting In Excess Outdoor Air
(California Title 24-type Alarm)
Possibly caused by configuration error: [Feed-
back Min Value] is not properly set for “2 V”
[Fault Detect En] is set to “Enable”; when
only minimum position functions are active,
[Damper Feedback] is currently greater than
the [Damper Command] required for the
active minimum position function by 8% or
more and has been sustained for a period of
10 minutes or more
All functions remain active/available
Table 2: Alarm Cause And Response
Controller Response
Table 3:
Key Default Parameter Settings For Use Of
The Basic RRS Economizer Controller
Econ Enable
Fault Detect En
Lo Ambient En
Free Clg Select
Damper Min Value
2 V
Feedback Min Value
2 V
Damper Min Pos
Comp Enable
Cmp Min Off Time
Cmp Min On Time
Comp 1 Lockout
Dry Bulb Stpt
55.0 F
Damper % Fan Off
Equipment Type
Conv RTU
Thermostat Type
Comp Stages
Excess SAT Stpt
44.0 F
Supply Temp Stpt
55.0 F
Fan Control Type
Single Speed
Exhaust Setup
Non Modulating Control
Damper Lo Amb En
Low Ambient Stpt
0.0 F
Lo Amb Min Pos
Table 3:
Key Default Parameter Settings For Use Of
The Basic RRS Economizer Controller