RRS Economizer Controller Quick Start Guide
Voltage Conditions
Menu parameters describe settings and the 2-10 volt DC out-
put to the economizer actuator ([Damper Command]) as a
percentage of the outside air damper position:
“.0 %” = 2 volts DC output to the actuator / OA damper
fully closed / RA damper fully open
“100.0 %” = 10 volts DC output to the actuator / OA
damper fully open / RA damper fully closed
With the RRS Economizer Controller powered, when no
economizer ventilation function is active the output from the
controller to position the economizer actuator is 2 volts DC
([Damper Command] is “.0 %”).
When multiple economizer ventilation functions concurrently
request to position the economizer actuator, priority of the
function is first considered. The shutdown function has the
highest priority for economizer actuator position, as well as
other controller functions. Low ambient minimum position has
the highest priority of the minimum position functions. Without
these priority functions active, the ventilation function requir-
ing the greatest amount of outside air determines the 2-10
volt DC output from the controller to position the economizer
Since the most rapid rate of [Damper Command]
change is 1% every 2 seconds, time allowances
should be made when observing any re-positioning
of the economizer actuator.
24 volts AC input to the controller SD pin initiates the shut-
down function where:
The [Damper Command] is “.0 %”
All binary outputs (Y1O, ERV-EXH) are switched off
[Staged Out State] will indicate “Instant Shutdown”
[Comp Control Mode] will indicate “Instant Shutdown”
[Damper Mode] will indicate “Ramp Close”
[Shutdown] will indicate “Alarm”
Once 24 volts AC input to the controller SD pin is removed:
The [Damper Command] responds to positioning
Y1O binary output can resume when the [Cmp Min Off
Time] timer expires
• Compressor operation can then resume when the
Simplicity Lite compressor ASCD expires
[Shutdown] will indicate “Normal”
The minimum position functions, free cooling, compressor
coordination and power exhaust/ERV operation descriptions
that follow assume that:
The RRS Economizer Controller is configured for proper
interaction with the Simplicity Lite board compressor
control functions
The controller boot-up sequence is completed
The [Cmp Min Off Time] timer has expired (approxi-
mately 1 minute, 16 seconds after power is applied to the
RRS Economizer Controller)
There is more than 19.2 volts AC to the C and R pins
The shutdown function is not active
To be effective, all minimum position functions require 24
volts AC input to the controller OCC pin ([Occupancy] indi-
cates “Occupied”). The minimum position functions then
determine the lowest value for the [Damper Command].
When 24 volts AC input to the controller OCC pin is removed
([Occupancy] indicates “Unoccupied”) the [Damper Com-
mand] is either “.0 %” or positioned for free cooling functions.
When active, the low ambient minimum position function has
the highest priority and overrides all other economizer mini-
mum position functions.
The low ambient minimum position function is enabled when
[Damper Lo Amb En] is set to “Yes”.
The [Lo Amb Min Pos] typically is set to provide less outside
air than [Damper Min Pos].
When enabled, the low ambient minimum position function is
active when [Outdoor Temp] falls below the [Low Ambient
Stpt] and [Occupancy] indicates “Occupied”. Then, the value
set for [Lo Amb Min Pos] determines the lowest value for the
[Damper Command].
The low ambient minimum position function is inactive when
[Outdoor Temp] rises to or above the [Low Ambient Stpt].
Then, the active minimum position function requiring the
greatest of outside air determines the lowest value for the
[Damper Command].
The minimum position function is active when low ambient
minimum position is inactive and [Occupancy] indicates
“Occupied”. Then, the value set for [Damper Min Pos] deter-
mines the lowest value for the [Damper Command].
There is not a menu selection to directly disable the minimum
position function. However, the minimum position function is
All controller functions available
ALARM: Outputs Limited Due to Brownout Input V
Any additional binary outputs are not permitted
ALARM: Outputs Disabled Due to Low Inmput V
ALL binary outputs are disabled
Controller OFF - will reboot when voltage is restored