NION-16C48M Configuration
Time Codes
NION-16C48M Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 53347:Rev: A1 5/5/09
3.3 Time Codes
Figure 3.2 Time Codes Window
To add a time code, enter a name, start and stop time, and the days of the week to which the time
code is assigned. It is also possible to specify if the time code applies on holidays by checking or
un-checking the box labeled "Hol" in the Time Codes Form.
Each time code must contain a start time, stop time, and at least one day upon which it applies
(although it is possible to set a time code for holidays only). Times are based on a twenty-four hour
clock and minutes are inclusive. Therefore, to set a time code to end at midnight the code must be
defined as 23:59.
Time codes can have a wide range of applications which include (but certainly are not limited to),
specifying times a door is unlocked or locked, activating a point or output on a set schedule, setting
times that an individual can access certain locations, etc. The application of time codes and their
related data depends entirely on the application or device that implements them.
Universal Time Codes and Time Code Groups
The Universal Time Code Editor (UTE) is a utility that allows you to define, view, and edit IFI
Workstation Universal Time Codes. These time codes can be imported into the NION
configuration scheduler. The Universal Time code Editor provides a method of managing time
codes from a centralized utility and allows the user to import and transfer time codes among
various applications. These time codes are defined by the same parameters as time codes described
above. These time codes can be collected into groups and named. Using this method, large
numbers of time codes can be referenced by a single definition. The display boxes on the right of
the form contain all available time codes defined within the UTE. To add any of these codes to the
NION time codes grid, simply click and drag the desired definition from the display on the right
into the grid on the left.