I/O Configuration
NION-16C48M Configuration
NION-16C48M Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 53347:Rev: A1 5/5/09
3.2.2 Device Type
The Device Type corresponds to the physical definition of the input. The Device Type is selected
from standard list of system recognized types.
3.2.3 Event Status
The event status defines how an off-normal event for each point will be reported. The Event Status
is selected from standard lists of system recognized codes.
3.2.4 Delay
The Delay field is defined in seconds from 0 to 999. For inputs, the delay time prevents the NION
from reporting an ON condition for the defined amount of time. A zero in this field will cause
instantaneous reporting. This feature can be used for de-bouncing inputs or as a door-ajar alarm.
For outputs the delay time defines how long an output is activated for momentary commands.
3.2.5 Code 1 and Code 2
Up to five time codes can be assigned to each point (inputs and outputs). These are selected from a
combo box listing all available time codes (1 - 30).
3.2.6 Multiple State
To configure a large block of inputs to the same state option on a NION, use the Multiple State
Configuration box on the I/O Configuration form. Enter the range of input points in the From and
To fields, select the desired state option in the Configure As combo box then click the Set State
button to finish.
Input state options include:
• Not Configured - for unused inputs.
• 2 State Normally Open - normally open input reporting active and normal.
• 2 State Normally Closed - normally closed input reporting active and normal.
• 4 State Normally Open - normally open input reporting active, normal, short and open.
4 State Normally Closed - normally closed input reporting active, normal, short and open.
It is possible for the icon Device Type to not match the device type in the scheduler.
Example: The icon is defined as a digital input and the scheduler defines the same point as a
smoke detector. When an event occurs, the icon device type will display "digital input" but the
device type in the event description will be "smoke detector".
To use a 4-state setting, wire the input circuit with appropriate supervision devices.