NION-16C48M Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 53347:Rev: A1 5/5/09
Section 3 NION-16C48M Configuration
3.1 About NION-16C48M Configuration
In order to utilize all features available with the NION-16C48M its scheduling plug-in utility must
be configured at the IFI Workstation.
The NION-16C48M can be configured to operate using a dedicated scheduler application plug-in.
The scheduler provides tools to configure the NION with automated I/O scheduling. Each input
can be scheduled for automated enable and disable, and each output for activate and deactivate.
These configuration parameters are set using these tabbed windows:
“I/O Configuration” on page 28
Configurations defined using these schedulers are downloaded and stored in the NIONs. The
NION’s relative configuration window is accessed through a device icon’s right click list of
The tabbed windows allow saving and loading of the I/O configuration, time code, and holiday
code assignments. They can be used to duplicate one sub-node configuration to any number of
other sub-nodes, or to back up your configuration.
These buttons which are common to all tabbed windows:
OK - Is used to apply any changes made to settings and close the window.
Cancel - Is used to cancel any changes that have been made and it will close the window.
Save - Selecting Save will save the current assignments.
Load - Selecting Load will load a previously saved I/O assignment.
Figure 3.1 I/O Configuration Window
Save the configuration file for backup purposes.