Table 9: CVM Preloaded Standard Applications
Application Name
Elec Reheat 3 Stg Series Fan W/C Adj
Single Duct Electric Staged Reheat, 3 Stages, Single Speed Series Fan,
Warm/Cool Adjust
Elec Reheat 3 Stg Series Fan SP Adj
Single Duct Electric Staged Reheat, 3 Stages, Single Speed Series Fan,
Setpoint Adjust
Elec Reheat 3 Stg Parallel Fan W/C Adj
Single Duct Electric Staged Reheat, 3 Stages, Parallel Fan, Warm/Cool
Elec Reheat 3 Stg Parallel Fan SP Adj
Single Duct Electric Staged Reheat, 3 Stages, Parallel Fan, Setpoint
Incr HW Reheat Series Fan W/C Adj
Single Duct Incremental Hot Water Reheat, Single Speed Series Fan,
Warm/Cool Adjust
Incr HW Reheat Parallel Fan W/C Adj
Single Duct Incremental Hot Water Reheat, Parallel Fan, Warm/Cool
SCR Elec Reheat W/C Adj
Single Duct SCR Electric Reheat/Proportional Heating Valve, Warm/
Cool Adjust
SCR Elec Reheat Series Fan W/C Adj
Single Duct SCR Electric Reheat/Proportional Heating Valve, Single
Speed Series Fan, Warm/Cool Adjust
SCR Elec Reheat Parallel Fan W/C Adj
Single Duct SCR Electric Reheat/Proportional Heating Valve, Parallel
Fan, Warm/Cool Adjust
All applications use the Imperial unit of
Warm/Cool Adjust applications also support
sensor only.
The NS8000 is supported with these
applications when used as a Netsensor.
Troubleshooting equipment controllers
Table 10 provides LED status indicator information for troubleshooting the CVM03050 controller.
provides some additional troubleshooting information for possible problems.
If you experience short circuits in the 24 VAC
power supply causing protective devices such as
breakers or fuses to trip, make sure that the power
connections on the CVM are not reversed. The
most common cause of this problem is when the 24
VAC power supply on the CVM is reversed but not
reversed on a connected secondary device.
M4-CVM VAV Box Controllers Installation Guide