the steps to follow when face-to-face copying and the interpretation of
the various led flashes are described in the following section.
this process concerns face-to-face copying of the variable/433 remote.
the broadcast frequency on this remote is set to 433 MHz for any rolling
code (Keeloq or other). unlike fixed codes, it does not allow users to
select a variable frequency.
in the case of remote 433/868, a final step to select the frequency for
fixed and rolling codes, must be added to the following steps. in this step,
once the copy has been made and the manual, automatic or clone mode
selected, the led will flash blue and the first button must be pressed to
select a frequency of 433 MHz or the second button must be pressed to
select a frequency of 868 MHz.
the leds corresponding to the sr controls are as follows:
sr-4v: red: 433, 92 MHz / green: variable
sr-48: red: 433, 92 MHz / Blue: 868 MHz
sr-q: green: main freq / Blue: other functions.
in this manual which indicates green led will be blue for the sr-48 and
in this manual which indicates red, will be green for the sr-q.
1 - simultaneously press duplicate remote buttons 1 and 2 until the red
led flashes.
2 - release both buttons and wait until the red light goes out.
3 - Press the button of the duplicate remote on which you want to pro-
gramme the remote.
When copying a rolling code remote, on selecting a button to copy the
code to, this button and the following buttons will be copied. i.e. if we
select button 2 of the duplicate remote, it will copy this original remote
on buttons 2, 3 and 4. However, these buttons correlate to buttons 1, 2
and 3 of the original remote. another example:
in fixed code remotes, only the selected button is copied. if the original
remote has more than one button, they must all be copied by selecting
various buttons on the short-range remote control.
4 - the red led remains on.
5 - Place the original remote and the duplicate remote face to face on a
smooth, non-metallic surface, less than 1 cm apart.
variaBle-433 version. face to face
version 433-868. side on
6- if you want to copy a fixed code remote, press the button of the
original remote, or any button of the original remote control if it’s a
rolling code remote.
7 - the short range remote will behave differently depending on the
code received.
4.2 Steps depending on the code received
When the short range remote receives the code it will first analyse
whether it is a recognised rolling code. if yes, it will react by illumina-
ting the green led. otherwise, it will assume the code is fixed.
evolutionarY Keeloq
7 – 1 the short range remote goes green when the new code is recei-
ved and then red again to receive a second screen.
7 – 2 Press the original remote to send a second screen.*
7 – 3 the short range remote goes green. if the codes received are co-
rrect and consecutive and not erreka, Bft or aPriMatic tr, the green
led will start to flash. You then have to decide between the “Keeloq
duplication modes” explained in section to complete recording.
7 – 4 if the code is erreka, Bft or aPriMatic, the duplicate remote
led will go back to red while waiting for a third screen. in this case,
press the registration button on the original remote.
7 – 5 if it’s one of those three remotes the green led will start flas-
hing. You then have to decide between the “automatic/Manual/clone
duplication modes” explained in section 4.3.1. to complete recording.
if it’s an evolutionary Keeloq that is not in the list, the led on the
duplicate remote will return to red to indicate copy failure after three
attempts. Push any button to exit programming mode.
evolutionarY nice flor-r
7 – 1 the short range remote goes green when the new code is recei-
ved and then red again to receive a second screen.
7 – 2 Press the original again.*
7 – 3 the short range remote goes green when the new code is recei-
ved and then red again to receive a third screen.
7 – 4 Press the original again.*
7 – 5 the short range remote goes green when the new code is recei-
ved and then red again to receive a fourth screen.
7 – 6 Press the original for the last time.*
7 – 7 the short range remote goes green. if the codes received are
correct and consecutive, the green led starts flashing. then you have
to decide between the “automatic/clone/ non-evolutionary clone
duplication modes” explained in section 4.3.2. to complete recording.
evolutionarY v2