in evolutionary mode, celinsa receivers can be registered remotely or
directly on the receiver.
Remote registration
1. stand near the receiver and press and release the button on the back of
the remote that currently operates the installation.
the receiver will beep to indicate that it has entered programming mode.
2. Press the button of the remote that you want to register within 5
the receiver will memorize the code.
Wait 30 seconds for the receiver to exit programming mode - it will beep
twice to indicate that it has done so.
Registering directly on the receiver
1.open the receiver and locate the switch with 3 positions (a, B and c).
Position a is for registering remotes, position B is to delete remotes from
the system. carefully move the switch to position a.
the receiver will be ready to register new remotes.
2. Press the button of the remote you wish to register.
the remote code will be memorised.
3.it has been successfully recorded. if you wish to register further remotes,
repeat point 2 to record them. otherwise, return the switch to position
c - neutral.
Be careful to move the switch back to position c and not position B, as the
latter will delete remotes that operate the installation.
if you are unable to complete the registration process, this may be due
to the receiver’s memory being full. if this is the case, the installer is the
only person capable of registering remotes.
in evolutionary mode, doorMatic receivers can be registered remotely or
directly on the receiver.
Remote registration
1. stand near the receiver and press and release the button on the front of
the remote that currently operates the installation. it’s located beneath the
remote’s coloured casing.
the receiver will beep to indicate that it has entered programming mode.
2. Press the button of the remote that you want to register within 5
the receiver will beep twice to indicate that it has memorized the remote.
Wait 30 seconds for the receiver to exit programming mode - it will beep
twice to indicate that it has done so.
Registering directly on the receiver
1. open the receiver and locate the button between two leds and a
receiver card.
the red led turns on and soon after goes out and the green led goes on.
this indicates that the receiver is ready to receive new remotes.
2. Press the button to be recorded from the remote you wish to register.
the remote code will be memorised.
Wait 30 seconds for the receiver to exit programming mode - it will beep
twice to indicate that it has done so.
if you are unable to complete the registration process, this may be due to
the receiver’s memory being full.
if this is the case, the installer is the only person capable of registering
the go remote is activated directly on the receiver the first time you press
it. However this option is disabled on some installations and you have to
programme it manually.
Manual go remote registration procedure
1. open the receiver and find a switch or button marked ‘Prog’.
2. Press the button or activate the switch.
3. Within 10 seconds after this beep, press the button of the remote that
you want to register.
the receiver will emit a short beep to indicate that the remote has been
if the receiver does not emit a short beep indicating successful registra-
tion, the memory could be full preventing registration without permission
from the installer.
4. after 10 seconds, the receiver will exit programming mode and will emit
2 short beeps.
if the procedure does not work satisfactorily, this may be as the receiver
memory is full, which prevents new registrations without permission from
the installer.
Registering the apRiMatiC tR2 remote
1. stand in front of the receiver and simultaneously press all the keys of
the transmitter that already operates the installation.
the receiver will emit a long beep.
2. Press the registration button of the duplicated remote.
3.then press any key on the duplicated remote.
the led and buzzer will briefly turn off before coming back on to confirm
that the remote has been memorized.
the v2 evolutionary remote has 2 modes for programming the receiver.
Radio registration
1. simultaneously press buttons 1 and 2 on the remote that is already
registered for approximately 10 seconds.
2. release both buttons.
3. Within 5 seconds, press another button on the remote you wish to
4. after a few seconds, the led on the receiver will go out, indicating that
it has quit programming mode.
the code has been memorised.
this function is not possible on all receivers or all remotes, so we recom-
mend using the following procedure.
Registering directly on the receiver
1. open the receiver and locate a small key labelled sW1.
2. Press this key until the receiver led turns on.
3. Within 5 seconds, press the key of the remote that you wish to register
until the led on the receiver flashes.
4. after a few seconds, the led on the receiver will go out, indicating that
it has quit programming mode.
the code has been memorised.
if the procedure does not work satisfactorily, this may be as the receiver
memory is full, which prevents new registrations without permission from
the installer.