if the code read and the saved code coincide, the application will display
the following message: ‘verification oK’. if this is not the case it will
produce an error message.
5.2.6 read reMote
this option allows you to read the codes stored on the various buttons of
the duplicate sr remote.
this option allows us to verify that the code saved is correct after
once the code has been read it also allows you to store this code for
later use.
When you press this option, the following window opens.
choose the sr remote button you want to read in this window. once
you have selected it, press ‘read’ and the following screen will open.
the information saved on the remote will appear on the screen. the code
type is displayed first.
When it’s rolling code, it will also display the manufacturer, serial
number, counter, channel, frequency, seed and personalisation. the last
two pieces of information depend on the type of remote.
if it’s a fixed code, the application will first ask whether you wish to load
the entire code on the screen.
if you answer ‘Yes’, the code will be displayed in the lower section of the
window once it has loaded. if you answer ‘no’, the screen will simply tell
you that it is a fixed code.
every time it reads a code, the application will ask you if you want to
save it, as shown in the following diagram. saving the code can be useful
if you want to produce more remotes for a known installation in future,
without having to have the original remote for that installation with you
every time you wish to produce a copy.