When the led on the receiver lights up, release the button.
2. Press the button on the remote you wish to register.
the receiver will emit a short beep to indicate that the remote has been registe-
if the receiver doesn’t beep it may be due to:
• The receiver memory is full or the installer has filled it on purpose. You cannot
register the remote without contacting the installer.
3. once 30 seconds have passed from the last activation, the receiver will quit
programming mode and the led will go out.
registering directly on the receiver
1. remove the receiver cover and move the switch to the on position.
the receiver lights the led. Proceed to step 2 of the previous procedure.
sol reMote
Both registration procedures are the same as for the roller remote. the only diffe-
rence is if you wish to activate the receiver programming mode, you have to bridge
the first and fifth pins of the original remote so that the receiver enters program-
ming mode, and then remove the bridge once it’s in programming mode.
You don’t have to do this if you activate registration using the programmed remote
as it has a button for this purpose on the back.
the receivers for these remotes allow you to remotely or directly register remotes.
Remote registration for BFT MITTO remotes
1. stand in front of the receiver and press the button hidden on the back of the
original Bft remote for 2 seconds.
2. Press the left hand button on the front of the original remote for 2 seconds.
3. Press the registration button on the back of the programmed remote.
4. finally press the first button of the programmed remote.
Direct registration of BFT TRC or MITTO remotes
1. open the receiver and and press the first button (sW-1) of the two marked
sW-1 and sW-2.
a green light should flash on the receiver.
2. open the battery cover of the existing remote, or the duplicated remote and
press the button inside.
the light on the receiver should stay on.
3. Press the button on the remote you wish to register.
the light on the receiver goes back to flashing and goes out after 30 seconds
indicating that the registration process has finished.
if the procedure does not work satisfactorily, this may be as the receiver memory
is full, which prevents new registrations without permission from the installer.
the system for registering evolutionary Pujol vario remotes is the same as the
jcM procedure.
You can use 3 methods to register these remotes.
distance registration in Pin-Mode
if pin-Mode is written on the receiver, proceed as follows:
1. stand near the receiver and press the button on the back of the remote you wish
to register with a pointed object.
the receiver will emit a long beep to indicate that the remote has been successfu-
lly registered.
Remote registration using the installation remote
1. stand near the receiver and press the button on the back of the registered remo-
te with a pointed object.
the receiver will emit a long beep to indicate that it is in registration mode.
2. Within 10 seconds after this beep, press the button of the remote that you want
to register.
the receiver will emit a short beep to indicate that the remote has been registe-
if the receiver does not emit a short beep indicating successful registration, the
memory could be full preventing registration without permission from the installer.
3. after 10 seconds, the receiver will exit programming mode and will emit 2 short
Registering directly on the receiver
1. open the receiver and find a switch or button marked Prog.
2. Press the button or activate the switch.
the receiver will emit a long beep and the led will light up. now proceed to step
2 of the previous method.
nice receivers enable you to register remotely and directly on the receiver.
the Bio version and regenerative versions of the verY and flo models must
also be registered in addition to the evolutionary versions.
Remote registration
1. stand close to the receiver and press the first button on the remote you
wish to register for five seconds.
the led on the receiver will flash before going on.
2. slowly press the first button of the existing remote three times and then
press the button on the new remote.
the receiver has registered the new remote. Wait 15 seconds to test it.
registering directly on the receiver
1. remove the receiver cover and press the electronic card button for about
3 seconds until the led goes on.
2. Within 10 seconds, press the button on the remote you wish to register
for at least 2 seconds.
the receiver has registered the new remote. Wait 15 seconds to test it.
to register this remote you must know the position of the 10 receiver
remote registration
1. Press the 2 buttons on the remote you want to register simultaneously.
the led will go on.
2. enter the 10 codes within 5 seconds. Proceed as follows.
3. Press the first button (top button) if the switch is on and the second
button if it’s off. Press 10 times for the 10 codes.
You have to register Bio and verY resonance remotes if you are using an
original remote, but you don’t have to register them if you’re using a copy of
a remote that already works this installation.
Registering directly on the receiver
1. open the receiver and locate the programming button on the circuit board.
2. Press the button for a moment.
the led on the receiver will flash.
3. Within 10 seconds, press the button on the remote you wish to register.
after a while the receiver will exit programming mode.
dea receivers work in fixed or evolutionary mode. You can select the mode
by placing a jumper in specific positions. the jumper is located in the central
section of the circuit board and the positions are marked on the board as a
(fixed position) or B (evolutionary position).
in evolutionary mode, dea receivers can be registered remotely or directly
on the receiver.
Remote registration
1. stand near the receiver and simultaneously press both buttons of the
remote that already operates the installation.
the led on the receiver will go on indicating that it has entered program-
ming mode.
2. Press the button of the remote that you want to register within 5 seconds.
the led on the receiver will flash and then go out, indicating that it was
successfully programmed.
Registering directly on the receiver
1. open the receiver and press and release the button marked P1 to the right
of the board underneath a led.
the led will go on indicating that the receiver has entered ‘memorise’
Make sure you release the P1 button when the led goes on as if you keep it
pressed down until it goes off, you will erase the receiver’s memory.
2. Press the left button of the remote you wish to register.
the led on the receiver will flash, indicating that programming was suc-
cessfully completed.
3. it has been successfully recorded. if you wish to register further remotes,
repeat point 2 to record them. otherwise, wait until the led turns off to
complete the recording process and to ensure that the receiver exits memo-
rise mode.
if you can’t complete the registration process, this may be due to the
receiver’s memory being full. if this is the case, the installer is the only
person able to register remotes.