5.2.5 fiXed code
a similar process is used to copy fixed codes. once the remote has cap-
tured the fixed code, the application will display the following window:
the remote will detect that it is fixed code and will ask you to press
‘enter’ in order to read it. When you press ‘enter’, the next screen opens,
asking you to press the original remote so it can capture the code.
once the code has been captured, press button 1 if the original remote is
a 433 remote or button 2 if the original remote uses a variable frequency.
in this second case, you must adjust the frequency once recording is
When you select the frequency, the remote starts to save the information
and displays the following message.
When the copy is completed, the application will display “correct
coPY” and the code it has read.
With fixed codes, you can verify whether reading and saving were
correct. to do so, press the ‘verify’ button.
on pressing the ‘verify’ button, a second window opens. it only displays
the code that has been read while the remote recovers the code saved