5.2.12 original analYsis
this option allows us to analyse the original remote without having to perform the
entire ‘guided duplication’ process.
When you press this option, the following screen opens:
Press the ‘analyse original’ button to start analysing the remote. first it will ask
you to turn the original remote to face it in order to perform the reading.
for rolling code, as when you make a guided copy, you have to send two, three or
four screens according to the remote type. the original remote information will be
displayed in the lower frame once it has been analysed.
once analysis has completed you can copy it. to do so, select the button onto
which you wish to duplicate the copy (for rolling codes, the code is copied onto
all of the buttons after the selected button). if there is no reply within 30 seconds,
the system deduces that you don’t want to make a copy and continues to display
the information.
However, if you have decided to copy the remote, having carried out the analysis
the programme jumps to the guided duplication screen and displays the relevant
copy options.
as when making a guided duplicate, when the remote analysed is a fixed
code remote it asks you to press ‘enter’ to read the complete code from
the start.
if you press the original again, the switch information is displayed (if it’s a
diP-switch remote,) along with the screen read.