once the remote has captured the code from the original, the application
will display a message concerning the information received. for rolling
code remotes, the application will display the following screen showing
the screen received.
5.2.4 rolling code
in this case, as with the rolling codes, it will ask you for a second screen to
decode the remote and in some cases may request a third screen from the
registration button.
When the second screen requested has been sent, if the code has been de-
coded, it will display information about the type of remote, serial number,
counter, personalisation and seed if these are required.
When processing fixed code, it will simply inform you that a fixed code has
been processed.
You can copy automatically, Manually, or by cloning and in some cases
clonnoroll (non-rolling clone) on rolling code remotes.
automatic Mode: the remote will generate a new serial number with the
counter at 0. the remote generated is compatible with the original, which
must be registered with the installation.
Manual duplication Mode: in some cases, for example Keeloq remotes
(standard rolling code remote), it’s a good idea to enter a specific serial
number with specific pulsations. this is essential when the installation is
full of codes and you want your remote to have the same serial number as
one already registered with the installation.
cloning Mode: this produces a remote with an identical serial number to
the original. the number of pulsations can be modified, although it records
identical pulsations to the original by default. this mode must be used to
change the original remote for a sr as both cannot be used at once on the
installation if they are not synchronized.
clonnoroll Mode: in this case, an exact copy is made of a rolling code
remote, which operates as a fixed code. it’s used when the original remote
receiver is configured in fixed mode despite the fact that it’s a rolling code
remote, and that it enables rolling codes.
scanner Mode: this option exists for the Mutancode and erreka controls
and generates a process that will make a scan of different serial numbers
in order to find a possible position in the receiver.
When you press the manual button, the following screen will appear. enter
the value to add or subtract from the original serial number to generate the
desired serial number.
if you wish to delete them, press the del key.
once the serial number has been modified, press the enter key to confirm.
When the new serial number has been confirmed, the application will ask if
you wish to modify the number of pulsations. it will save the same number
of pulsations as the original remote by default. if you wish to modify these
pulsations press ‘Yes’ and if not, ‘no’.
When you press ‘Yes’ to modify the pulsations, a new screen will open.
enter the desired value here.
the value is the same as the original by default, meaning that you have to
press ‘del’ to delete this value and enter the desired value.
once you have entered the desired value, press enter.
if you have successfully copied the remote, the application will display the
message: “correct coPY”.