JETYD Operations Manual
Installing the Square Drive
To install the square drive:
If the split bushing is already on the square drive, proceed to step 3.
Apply a thin layer of grease over the square drive, between the splined area and the
Using pliers, spread apart the ends of the split bushing until the opening is large enough
to pass over the splined end of the square drive. Insert the bushing over the square drive
until it rests between the splined area and the shoulder.
Note: Do not distort the circularity of the split bushing; opening the bushing too
far will affect the function of the bushing.
Using a wrench or pliers, squeeze the bushing to close it.
Keeping the bushing closed, use a soft mallet to tap the square drive until it begins to
descend into the gearbox.
Note: Ensure the square drive can spin in place, either by turning it by hand or
using a screwdriver inserted through the hole.
Continue to tap down the square drive until it is fully inserted. The shoulder of the square
drive should sit below the retaining ring groove in the gearbox housing.
Note: The splined end of the square drive must be fully mated with the internal
gears of the gearbox. To ensure this, turn the square drive while tapping it
Insert the retaining ring for the square drive. Ensure that it is fully seated in the retaining
ring groove in the gearbox housing.
Lubricating the Air Motor
To lubricate the air motor:
Turn the jGun upside down and disconnect the air hose at the hose coupling connection.
Pour approximately one ounce of air tool oil, or spray a lubricant, into the hose coupling
on the gun.
Reconnect the hose and operate the gun, while standing clear of the exhaust opening at
the base of the handle. Excess lubricant will release from this opening upon initial