Saving A Multicast Station As A Preset: When
the channel is active on-screen, press and
hold a Preset button; it will save the station to
the available slot. When recalling a HD2, HD3,
etc. memory preset, there will be a momentary
mute before the digital audio is played as the
system acquires the digital signal. If you have
turned this feature off, this will automatically
turn on HD Radio™ broadcasts and will tune to
the selected frequency. As with any saved
radio station, you will not be able to access the
saved station if your vehicle is outside the
station’s reception area.
“LIVE” Ballgame Mode Broadcasts: If a
station has a live broadcast (such as a base
ball game), “LIVE” may appear on screen
beside the multi-cast numbers. These are
analog broadcasts with digital components
(i.e. artist, title). If HD1 is in a live broadcast
mode, the HD Radio™ logo will be gray. You
will hear analog audio; the user will still be
able to tune to the multi-cast channels.
Reception Area: If you are listening to a
multi-cast (HD2, HD3, etc.) station and you are
on the fringe of the reception area, the station
may mute due to weak signal strength. If you
are listening to HD1, the system will simply
switch to the analog broadcast until the digital
broadcast is available again.
However, if you are listening to any of the
possible multi-cast (HD2, HD3, etc.) channels,
the station will mute and stay muted unless it is
able to connect to the digital signal again. While
in this state, the text “buffering” will appear for
30 seconds. If it is not able reconnect to the
digital signal, the screen will be cleared and
“HD Radio™ Signal Unavailable” will appear in
artist and title field area
Station Blending: When a HD1 station is
received, the system will play the analog audio
broadcast from the station for a few seconds
and then, if the receiver verifies the station is an
HD Radio™ station, it will transition to play the
digital audio broadcast. Depending on the
station quality, you may hear a slight sound
change when the station transitions from
analog to the digital broadcast. The shift from
analog to digital or digital back to analog sound
is known as “blending”.
Station Issues: In order to provide the best
possible experience, a contact form has been
developed to report any station issues found
while listening to a station broadcasting with
HD Radio™ technology. Every station is
independently owned and operated. These
stations are responsible for ensuring all audio
streams and data fields are accurate. This form
can be found at https://hdradio.com/stations/
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