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REF. 53460





These instructions and the recommendations for use specific to each tool must be made available to users. 

They must be read carefully and perfectly understood before using, maintaining or repairing the tools.

They are not exhaustive and must be kept up to date. It is important to keep them carefully and ensure that 

they are always available. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in injuries or damage to the 

tools and may invalidate the guarantee.

Work area

Ensure that any items (cables, hoses, leads, etc.) which may interfere with your work while using a pneu-

matic tool are removed from your work area.

Compressed air

High pressure compressed air is very dangerous.

Never point a compressed air jet at yourself or at anyone nearby.

- When you connect a pneumatic tool, check that the couplings, hoses and seals operate correctly.

- When you change to another accessory, remember to always disconnect and bleed the tool.

- Never exceed the maximum pressure indicated in the manual under any circumstances.

Projectiles and dust

Goggles, dust masks and work gloves are highly recommended while using pneumatic tools.


Pay particular attention to anything which might become entangled in a rotating part (accessories, loose 

clothing, etc.).


Depending on the work performed, take account of the direction of rotation, pay attention to projections and 

avoid running the drill when not under load.

Regularly check that the grinding wheels are mounted correctly.


If you are exposed to vibrations on a repeated or prolonged basis, or if your posture is poor, you may feel 

numb or tingling sensations. If the vibrations are too strong, you are at risk of temporarily losing sensitivity 

in your hands.

Stop using the tool and consult a doctor.

Noise levels

Always wear ear protection.

Excessive noise levels may result in loss of hearing.

Содержание 53460


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