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10-40%. When the value is small, the arc is concentrated, the fusion depth is large, and the
fusion width is small, and vice versa.
7.3.4 AC pulse TIG welding
Current waveform of AC pulse TIG Welding
tc-Cleaning current time
Tc-AC period
tp-Pulse peak time
Tp-Pulse period
t2-Up-slope time
t4-Down-slope time
Ip-Peak current
Ib-Base current
● AC frequency (1/Tc): Can be adjusted according to process requirements.
● Pulse frequency (1/Tp): Can be adjusted according to process requirements.
● Duty cycle (100%*tp/Tp): Can be adjusted according to process requirements.
● AC balance (100%*tc/Tc): Can be adjusted according to process requirements.
● AC pulse TIG welding supports square, triangular and sine output waveforms. AC pulse
TIG welding is basically the same as AC square wave TIG welding, but its welding current is
controlled by a low-frequency pulse, and therefore changes with the pulse value to form peak
and base current, which are the (average) peak and (average) base values of the
low-frequency pulse.
● In AC pulse mode, the pulse frequency range is affected by AC frequency and frequency
division factor. The minimum frequency division factor is 10, and the maximum is 2 times the