5.2 [SHIFT] [0]: UV Signal output setting for integrator
1V/AU or 1V/2AU can be selectable.
[SHIFT] [0]
Monitor screen
Integrator output selection screen
NORM 291 X10
0.000 0.000 STD
Figure 5.1 Integrator output selection
5.3 [SHIFT] [1]: Performing Optical Zeroing and Checking Preamplifier
Output Level
Pressing [SHIFT] [1] keys will bring up the “preamplifier output level” screen.
In order to obtain accurate CD signal, optical zeroing must be performed so
that a racemate cancel positive and negative responses each other and gives
no peak. To perform optical zeroing, adjust the “Opt. CD Zero” knob (see
Fig.2.1) until CD signal shown in Figure 5.2 reads within 0
.003V while
flowing only mobile phase solvent. This function also provides means to read
the preamplifier output signal level that directly shows the UV energy reached
the photodiode. Direct reading of preamplifier outputs reflects the conditions
of the lamp and other optical elements as well as presence of air bubbles in
the flowcell.
CD Sig:0.000 V
UV Sig:0.000 V
[SHIFT] [1]
Monitor screen
Preamprifier output screen
CD Signal voltage
UV Signal voltage
NORM 291 X10
0.000 0.000 STD
Figure 5.2 Preamplifier outputs
5.4 [SHIFT] [2] : Lamp Off Timer
Pressing [SHIFT] [2] will bring up the “Lamp Off Timer” display. When the
detector is turned on, Lamp Off timer is always set to “0.0”. Therefore, to
activate this function, the operator needs to set the time when the lamp is to
be turned off.
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