Page 47
= Key 1
= Key 2
= Key 3
= Maximum or consumption = Minimum or supply
Measured value rotation
All measured values are calculated two times per second
and can be displayed.
Normally the selection
a n d d i s p l a y i n g o f
measured values is
carried out via the keys
2 and 3. Additionally,
there is the possibility
of measured value rota-
tion, which means to
show selected measured
values one after the other without keypress.
If no key is pressed for about 60 seconds, the measured
value rotation becomes active, if programmed.
For the measured value rotation, all displays, which are
retrievable by the key, are at your disposal.
The changing time for the displays can be set in the range
0 .. 9999 seconds
To activate the measured value rotation, at least one
measured value must be selected and the changing time
must be programmed for more than 0 seconds.
If a changing time is programmed with 0 seconds, there
is no change of the display.
If the changing time is bigger than 0, but only one
display has been selected, only this display is indicated.
Program changing times
Please scroll to display "changing time Pic" in menu
using key 3.
Confirm selection with
key 1.
The text EDIT appears.
The set changing time
is indicated and flashes.
In this example, a chan-
ging time of 0 seconds
is indicated, which
means the measured
value rotation is not active.
The set changing time
is flashing.
Confirm selection with
key 1.
The first digit of the
c h a n g i n g t i m e i s
Now select the number
to be changed with key
If a number is flashing, it can be changed using key 3.
If all numbers of the changing time are flashing, you can
change to the measured value selection with key 2.
If no number is flashing, you can change to the program-
ming of the analogue output using key 3.
By a long press of key 1 you save programming and go
back to the first measured value indication.